So first of all, boring-ish life. Job hunting so far isn’t going great. Though I haven’t yet been rejected… everywhere but 2 places I’ve called (so like… 7 or 8) have said the positions were filled like a month ago! So there is the jobcentre being totally useless. Why is it on the list of ‘available jobs today’? Sending my CV off to a few more offices today, looking at Birmingham and Coventry now that there is NOTHING in Stratford. Maybe I should move in with my brother! Be closer to a bigger job market.
Anyhow, boring news there over, heading out to Banbury today to have a catch up and pub lunch with Mr. Rowley. Looking forward to that probably more then I should be. Not just the pub lunch (but yes… pub lunch! Thank you! It’s been too long!) but also Banbury. I think it’s just that I really like to travel.
Now back to the time when I used to have adventures, akin to those of Indiana Jones (fighting monkeys, falling into rivers ext… though not discovering alien life… pft!)
Saturday 20th November 2010
Long day! Got up, did my induction and quickly jumped online while we waited for another volunteer to arrive. She did and we all went out for breakfast (at like midday but whatever!). I had duck and noodles, oh my god it was good, and then went to the shops to pick up any last minute supplies. I got shampoo. In my eternal wisdom, I’d forgotten mine! Chris (the guy who did my induction) took me on a boat ride down the river… something (the one that goes through Bangkok). I was shocked to realize that this boat wasn’t like a tourist ‘see Bangkok from the river’ type of service. It was a normal ‘bus up the river’ service. As a result (maybe…) it was dirt cheap. Did an hour and a half on the boat for 15Baht (30p!). When it came to the ‘stops’ it never did, it just slowed down and people had to jump on and off making it pretty interesting to watch! We got off at a market and it suddenly started chucking it down. So we got some food undercover, but still managed to get soaked as we went on the hunt for a cab. Apparently we wanted to go to the sky train. We ended up getting a tut-tut there. The guy driving it called me Wayne Rooney. We got the train, then the underground, then a cab back to the house. Once we arrived the other volunteer had decided she didn’t want to do it anymore. After a lot of messing around we drove the coach station. I got a coach to… here! Nearly got off at the wrong stop but the driver stopped me. The director picked me up and took me for some grub. There were of course squids legs in the rice… lovely. After food I was taken to the school and met with warm greetings from several other teachers. I took a cold shower, then failed to sort out the mossy net and went to bed!
Check out the pictures at;
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