Pretty happy with the response to the first entry there. The most common comment I got was "why the hell didn't you start this earlier?" Well, put simply, I'm an idiot. However, silver lining, I'm not a total idiot and I learnt after loosing all my diaries from Japan after my phone waved a little white flag before I could save them to another source, to have hard copies of things like a diary.
So I've actually been writing in a book a diary. So when I get home, when I'm not really doing anything amazingly interesting, I'll type it up and post it on here. So should keep this thing lively until the next travel experience, whatever and wherever that may be.
Couple of people asked what was chapter one and two. That's me being kinda artsy-fartsy. This blog is going to chronicle what I hope will be an amazing few years, at least 2, with Japan not ending until the middle of 2012 (if I get the Japan job and if I survive 2012 of course... side note on that, I'm expecting one hell of a party if the world doesn't end in 2012). Chapter one was my life before my transplant, major mile stone in my life where I stopped being a massive twat and became just a standard twat. Chapter two, life after my transplant, a pretty rocking 8 years I must admit. Now chapter three, since many of my friends said "it’s just a new chapter your life".
Now let's do away with all that hopeless romance and do-it-to-it. Let's get this party started.
So it was a pretty standard day at school. Finishing on a bit of fun with some games, a bit of bingo with all the words we have done over the 2 months.
After school I went to get my hair cut and have a shave. 50 baht for a hair cut and a shave. That's about a quid. And the guy did a dam fine job. If I lived here, a trip to the barbers every other day would defiantly be something I would treat myself to.
Was waiting a while though, there were 4 policemen in there too. Ended up just chatting to them with my phrase book, was actually kinda funny. Then one asked me if I had my passport (you are supposed to carry it on you at all times) and when I said no he cuffed me to the barbers chairs. He then pulled out a truncheon and burst out laughing. They all laughed and after about 2 minutes of wetting themselves he un-cuffed me.
Then the meal. Oh this was posh. Private room with karaoke! I got steak. Okay. I got 2 steaks. Did a lot of singing, brought out the classics. They had Kenny Rodgers - The Gambler, omg yes, and even got in Summer Lovin from Grease. Ended on a high with 'I want it that way'. Copious amount of alcohol were consumed and it was just a class night.
About half way through the director gave a speech. Luckily the girl who spoke dam near fluent English was there from yesterday (sweeeeet) and she translated for me. Then I was asked to give a speech. Then I received presents! I got a badass Thai shirt, pink, for good health. Got a giant towel cloth thing that apparently has multiple uses. I'm going to have fun with it lol. And I got some Thai candy and a badass keychain that is far to big to be an actual keychain.
Everyone was there, all the teachers, their family, husbands and wives, a couple of kids. The army guy, the guy who took me with his family out on new years and Praew, with her boyfriend. Who seems like a nice enough guy. But you know those people who before you've even met them you have decided you don't like them. I felt kinda bad about that. The only way he could have won me over was really to have dueted with me on 'summer lovin'. No one dueted with me on summer lovin.
So a grand end to it all really. Tomorrow there is no teaching, its just a big 'have fun playing games with the kids' day. I'm really looking forward to it. I'm writing this tonight (last night) and posting it tomorrow morning (now lol) so as I can go over it a bit more than the first post(or even just at all).
So suwadee-cup. Until next time.
It sounds like the best six weeks Nick. You do a nice job with this writing. It will be something you cherish later on. What are you thinking about for your next adventure? Wendy